Managing the list of recently used files |
Click the Open toolbar button to display the lists of recently used files and folders.
The lists are displayed as a new split window. The file list includes file paths, sizes, modification dates and states.
The folder lists includes their paths and the date they were accessed for the last time.
You can assign one of many available built-in icons to each file or folder. Both lists can include up to 50 items
each and new items are added in a cyclic manner. Both lists can be locked to prevent any new additions or re-ordering.
To open a given file or a file from a given folder click the corresponding link or use the cursor keys and press Space.
The Default button above the lists opens a folder specified in the Settings > Options > General > Start Folder field.
To change the icon associated with a given file, right-click the current link icon.
To delete a file from the RU list, right-click it and use the Remove command from the context menu.
If you want to preserve the displaying order of the RU file list right-click the list and unchecked
the Cycle RU List Ring option. Otherwise the recently opened database will be moved to the top.
If you want to restore the old short (icon only) Open button, in the settings.xml text
file change the line